J Blaszczykiewicz
Director of Marketing, 1871
1871 and Hub88 join forces to drive collective acceleration for early-stage founders, growth stage businesses, and corporate innovators across the Illinois region.
J Blaszczykiewicz
Director of Marketing, 1871
1871 and Hub88 join forces to drive collective acceleration for early-stage founders, growth stage businesses, and corporate innovators across the Illinois region.
Posted by: 1871 on 3/22/21 12:10 PM
On March 5, 2021, we joined our partner Discover to welcome hundreds of professionals, business leaders, and allies to our annual International Women’s Day celebration! This year’s virtual format brought together attendees from around the world for a morning of workshops, networking, and incredible speakers. Together, we took the pledge to #ChooseToChallenge, our call to envision a better, more equitable future for women by improving ourselves, uplifting others, and joining as leaders for change.
Posted by: 1871 on 2/18/21 10:00 AM
Guest Author: Terri Brax, CEO, Women Tech Founders
Valarie King-Bailey is CEO of OnShore Technology Group, an independent validation and verification consultancy. Under Valarie’s leadership, the company has become one of the leading independent validation and verification firms in Chicago and beyond.
King-Bailey recently spoke with Women Tech Founders to share how she's built a career in tech and why it’s important to constantly seek opportunities to innovate, find one thing to do really well, and never stop learning.
Guest Author: Dan Giaime, Chief Marketing Officer at Delight Rewards
Hi, I'm Dan.
I used to work at Microsoft and Facebook, and now I work on my own startup. Even now, I constantly find myself thinking I need other ways to make money, and have to curb those thoughts. Today, I hope to share a perspective I've found helpful in the past that could help stop you from YASH (Yet Another Side Hustle).
Posted by: Betsy Ziegler on 6/3/20 11:00 AM
Dear 1871 community,
I’m reaching out to you today not just from my position as a CEO in the Chicago tech community, but also as a leader of a team who is distraught and fearful, and as a mom of a 7-year-old son who does not yet have the context or the experience or the language to understand why so many people are hurting.
Guest Author: Lisa Weiss, CEO, Storybeat Studio
If you’re among the hundreds of millions participating in Zoom or other video conference calls while working from home, video is likely a large part of your day. Despite so-called “Zoom fatigue,” more than 25% of the tech sector now wants permanent remote work, and that means more video calls and content in the future.
Entrepreneurs have an opportunity to elevate the quality of their video content while sharing their areas of expertise with a more engaged audience. This blog primarily focuses on inspiring entrepreneurs to create original video content on their own at home, but some of these tips and insights will also help improve the quality and composition of your video conference calls.