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Our 1871 | Anjli Jain, Managing Partner at EVC Ventures

Our 1871 is a series of articles, photos, and videos introducing you to the amazing people who power our community. Simple 1871 fact -- the people make the place. Today we chat with mentor Anjli Jain, Managing Partner at EVC Ventures, a $50 million Chicago-based venture capital fund.


What do you consider your greatest success?

I believe success is a recurring process. The journey from a tech entrepreneur to a Venture Capitalist and setting up the VC firm, EVC Ventures, has been quite challenging yet rewarding. As a mentor, seeing entrepreneurs mature, grow and make better and more informed decisions with my guidance is quite a rewarding experience.

 What did you have to learn the hard way?

Hire people based on their attitude, not just their aptitude.

What skills do you think are the most important for an entrepreneur to have?

Creative thinking, problem solving, minimalism, organization, vision, and a charismatic personality.

Who was your role model as you were coming up in your field?

My grandfather – he passed by the time I started my first company but he, much to my surprise, wrote an autobiography about his life and most importantly about his journey into entrepreneurship. I was inspired by his integrity and how he stood up for his vision and values, even though the odds were stacked up against him.

What's one piece of advice you would give to an entrepreneur?

Revenue first – then build.

Fun Stuff

Which song is the soundtrack to your life?  “My Shot” - Hamilton

What book would you recommend every entrepreneur read?  Anything that keeps you curious. I am currently reading The Power of Habit.

What's your comfort food? Dim sum.

What's your daily ritual? Wake up early, exercise, have a strong breakfast - with two shots of espresso - then out to make a difference. Each day is a gift.

What's your personal mantra?  Make it happen.

Follow Anjli on Twitter.


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