1871 Blog

"Make sure your dream comes with a business plan." – Robert K. Elder

Written by 1871 | 3/21/18 2:00 PM

Robert K. Elder is the President and Publisher of Blockchain News, which offers the latest news and opinion on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technology and intelligence.

  • What is one piece of advice you would give to a rising entrepreneur?

Believe in yourself and your team, but listen to your mentors and learn from the mistakes of others -- and your own. Make sure your dream comes with a business plan.

  • What do you consider your greatest success?

Adaptability. When I went to college, I wanted to be a journalist because you were essentially paid to be curious. Although I did write books and work at news outlets, I was able to feed that curiosity later on with entrepreneurship and building new businesses.

  • What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started in business?

Where you end up is not always where you thought you'd be, but the direction, momentum, and lessons that you learn are far more valuable than anything else. 

  • Who was a role model to you when you were coming up in your field?

Jim Henson! I'm not kidding -- his mix of vision, creativity, and work ethic was awe-inspiring.

Now for the fun stuff... 

  • What hashtag best describes you? #Sleepless
  • Which song is the soundtrack to your life? See the entire Led Zeppelin catalogue.
  • Where is your favorite spot in Chicago? The Art Institute of Chicago
  • What do you like to do in your free time? I like to go on adventures with my family and travel.

Follow Robert on Twitter @robertkelder or connect with him on LinkedIn.


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