1871 Blog

Lisa Lubin on the Value of Persistence, Professionalism, and Reliability

Written by 1871 | 1/31/18 3:00 PM

With a network of more than 600 professionals from every industry, the mentor program is the crown jewel of 1871. Every day, mentors dedicate their time and expertise guiding our members from issues ranging from legal to tech and everywhere in between, forming valuable relationships and producing concrete outcomes. This week, we say hello to Lisa LubinVideo Consultant and Media Coach at LLmedia.

  • What is one piece of advice you would give to a rising entrepreneur? 

Even though it's the age of texting and everything is moving fast, this does not take away from the importance of making a good first (and second and third!) impression. No matter what your skills, you must show others that they can count on you -- and that you can and will conduct yourself in a mature and professional manner.

  • Who was a role model to you when you were coming up in your field?

One of my great role models was one of my journalism professors from university. She was so accomplished, intelligent, and a wonderful leader. She was able to be fierce and yet live with grace at the same time.

  • What skills do you think are the most important for an entrepreneur to have?

Persistence, professionalism, and reliability. You might be smart and have great ideas, but if you aren't professional or reliable, I don't want to work with you and neither will others.

  • What do you consider your greatest success?

Success is a tricky word as it can mean different things to different people...and it should! For me, success came in the form of building a life and career that incorporated my passion for travel and food with my media and journalism skills. I allowed myself to break out of the well-worn, common path of school/work/consumerism/death and made time to enjoy and embrace life!

Now for the fun stuff... 

  • What do you like to do in your free time? I love traveling, sharing food with new and old friends (or thinking about food), learning new things, gardening, DIY home stuff, riding my bike all over the different neighborhoods of the city, and being at home with my kitty!
  • What is your daily ritual? I work out every single morning, seven days a week. That starts my day off right and there's no decision to be made! I've also just started meditating each day post-workout.
  • What is your personal mantra? Live. Laugh. Love.
  • What book would you recommend every entrepreneur read?  "A Trip to the Beach" by Bob and Melinda Blanchard and "One Year Off" -- they both inspired me to quit my job and travel around the world for a year!
  • Where is your favorite spot in Chicago?  So many, I love this city. If I had to pick one it would be the lakefront path.

Follow Lisa on Twitter @llworldtour and connect with her on LinkedIn.  


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