1871 Blog

1871 Heads to the Third Grade!

Written by 1871 | 6/12/18 6:24 PM

Recently, 1871 had the pleasure of speaking with a group of entrepreneurial third graders at Lincoln Elementary School in River Forest, Illinois. The conversation, captured in a podcast, features a Q&A session between Mrs. Karrin Burns’ third grade class and 1871 CEO Betsy Ziegler.

Remember what it was like to be a third grader? You probably learned about syllables, multiplication tables, conjunctions, and the Declaration of Independence. However, if you’re like us, you probably missed the classes on entrepreneurship, ideation, and starting your own business. Well, it’s safe to say that third grade has come along way in recent years -- especially Mrs. Burns’ third grade class -- who created their own iOS app called Mood Monster’s Yoga Workshop, which is now available on the App Store.

To help them scale their business, 1871 CEO Betsy Ziegler joined their podcast, The Chat with Mrs. Burns's Third Grade, to answer questions about technology, customer retention, and fundraising. Here are a few of the questions that the students shared.

  • What do kids need to learn in school now to start a business when they grow up?
  • Do you think it is important for kids to code in school?
  • If your business fails, what would you learn from that?
  • What if you started a business and no one comes? What do you do?
  • How do you get someone to work for you?

To hear the answers along with a number of other questions, you’ll have to listen to the interview, which we’ve included below.



Interested in hearing more from The Chat with Mrs. Burns' Third Grade? Follow this link.